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A feel-good story: For the first time in my life, I feel well

Read time: 4-5 min
A feel-good story: For the first time in my life, I feel well

I have struggled with feelings of anxiety and deep depression for many years, more or less on a daily basis. This, combined with poor eating habits, eventually led to digestive problems, which in turn caused even more anxiety, creating a vicious cycle that has been my everyday life for the past few years. Add to this the stress of unrealistic body ideals and uncertainty about which direction to take in life, and all the accumulated stress eventually led me to a point where I was functioning at all. Constant stomach issues, exhaustion, severe anxiety, and everything that comes with it.

But at some point, things changed. Not in a dramatic way like you see in movies, with a clear turning point followed by success leading to victory, certainly not. The journey has been anything but linear, and I’ve tried things and failed time and again. I started studying books and online resources about health and body functions, which led me to drastically change my diet from what it was before. The research made me realise that I needed to heal from the inside out, and this is what led me to you.

I became aware that I had, or had developed, a gluten intolerance, which caused me to focus on healing my gut, as this could also be behind the nutrient deficiencies that contributed to the exhaustion, severe anxiety, and many other symptoms I was experiencing. I studied this further and developed an understanding of what I needed to do and which supplements I needed. As I can be quite obsessive, I wasn’t satisfied with just any supplements – I wanted the best of the best for my money, and that’s how I found you.

At Greatlife, I truly found everything I needed. I began by healing my gut, starting with eliminating gluten, of course, but also many other foods that caused irritation, and switching to an anti-inflammatory diet, with supplements such as GI-Response, Flora probiotics, and fish oil. I also started taking supplements for vitamins and minerals (which I was deficient in due to my impaired digestion), which I also came to understand are often lacking in people with the mental health issues I was experiencing. These included B vitamins, Zinc, Vitamin E, Magnesium, and Iodine. Just the act of choosing to invest my money in myself, in the best possible supplements to support my healing process and wellbeing, turned out to be a transformative experience. This has since spilled over into other parts of my life, especially food, where I now stick to organically grown vegetables and almost exclusively locally produced (organic) meat.

Since then, I’ve tried every supplement and product you offer, and I truly feel that each has played a role in my journey. Everything from Adrenal Response (for stress management) to blue light-blocking glasses (for sleep), Ortiz sardines in organic olive oil, various superfood boosters, and not least Patrick’s wonderful book “PXP – Your Best Self,” a book I only wish I’d come across sooner. It contains so much (and more) of what I had searched for myself, but in a very comprehensive and easily accessible form.

Now, about a year and a half since my first order, I can honestly say that for the first time in my life, I feel good and have some sort of control over how I feel, which is enormous for me. I’ve built a relationship, one might say, with myself and my body, and I now know much more clearly what makes me feel good and what doesn’t. Not everything is perfect, I still have bad days, but it’s nothing compared to how bad my worst days used to be. I’ve realised that there’s no single supplement that can “fix” me. Lifestyle and stress are still things I constantly need to be aware of and manage, but by giving my body what it needs, it all becomes so much easier. Feelings and problems that once severely limited my life I’ve managed to learn how to handle and work with, and I’m convinced that it’s largely thanks to the support from the products I’ve purchased from you.

Finally, I just want to express how incredibly grateful I am that you exist. You make such great products available and simplify the choice of supplements through the quality assurance you do. But also for the information you provide on your site, the incredibly fast deliveries, and the extremely detailed and helpful responses I’ve received when I’ve contacted you. It’s a humbling experience to take the time to reflect on how far I’ve truly come on my journey, and I sincerely hope that if others find themselves in a similar situation to what I was in, they discover Greatlife and choose to invest in themselves, as it has honestly changed my life.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my experience; it started with selfish motives but led to a very rewarding reflection, so thank you again for that.

Have a great day!

Best regards,
