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Actress Lina Englund receives help from Greatlife

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Actress Lina Englund receives help from Greatlife

Actress Lina Englund is well known from Miss Julie on TV, the films Fjällbacka Murders: The Beach Rider, Arn, and many other TV and film productions. Lina has also worked at, among other places, the Stockholm City Theatre, Dramaten, Teater Galeasen, and most recently at the Riksteatern alongside Anders Ekborg.

The acting profession can be incredibly demanding, placing enormous pressure on delivering night after night, with little to no room for health issues or sickness. Lina received help from Patrick Wahlberg, author of the book PXP – Your Best Self, after her body suddenly gave in for real. Read her story below:

This is Lina’s own story about the journey from a body that said enough...

I was chronically inflamed without understanding the connections. As a professional actress in theatre and film, I had just taken on a major role in a musical when my body suddenly said enough for real; Alopecia areata (patchy hair loss), an upset stomach, persistent sinus infections, and back inflammation led to numerous doctor visits, blood tests, and gastro- and colonoscopies.

In desperation, I contacted Patrick Wahlberg at and received a program to follow. I don’t need to say that my motivation was HIGH. For 18 years, I had been on Omeoprazole daily for a hiatal hernia, and that’s where my dilemma lay. My gut flora was more or less destroyed, and I couldn’t retain much food due to severe weight loss and low iron levels as a result.

I made a series of lifestyle changes according to the model he prescribed; the most nutritious diet and the finest probiotics from Innate Response. Its supplements, including the basic package and not least “PXP – My Best Self”. That book, which I constantly refer to, is now part of my recovery. It is packed with facts about nutrition, sleep, and nutrients at the highest levels of scientific research, full of heart, and includes several excellent recipes, including for the AIP-paleo lifestyle I follow today. Additionally, it offers very interesting workout tips where not only do you get tools, but also a factual explanation of why certain structured exercise benefits the body. In short, it explains what happens to us at the cellular level under stress, chemical stressors through food and environment, and how meditation and grief therapy can be keys to increased understanding of ourselves and our situation, offering an alternative path forward.

I quickly began to improve, my hair loss decreased, my rosacea improved, my migraines disappeared, my back inflammation too, and my stomach normalised... – without medication! I gradually phased out the omeoprazole and switched to a more ketogenic diet, still based on Paleo. After two years of persistence, in every area, and with supporting me, I can say that my life has taken an entirely new direction, as has my career..

A healthy person who cares for their wellbeing has more to give to their family, friends, and workplace than someone who blindly slaves away and tries to suppress themselves, banging their head against the wall over and over again! Thank you,

/ Lina Englund

Patrick’s Comments

When Lina first contacted me, my question was the same as always when I health-coach someone: Tell me exactly how you live, I want to know everything, even the smallest seemingly insignificant detail. How often do you do this or that, how much do you eat of A or B, when and how do you eat, how do you sleep, what are your sleep habits, how, when do you exercise, what is your stress level, work situation, exposure to blue light, toilet habits, how is your breathing, sorrows, life history, etc – over a hundred questions covering multiple areas. By finding out how a person lives, you can almost always uncover the keys to health. It is my firm belief that the daily lifestyle choices, whether conscious or unconscious, that a person makes form the foundation for health or illness – I’ve seen this over and over again during many years of health coaching. Health is an equation consisting of many interdependent variables, and one must change their lifestyle in every area to truly feel well. It’s not enough just to exercise and eat better. You can get far on that, but you almost never reach the goal.

I also get asked if it’s possible to manage without supplements. Unfortunately, the answer is no, and here’s why: There is too little nutrition in today’s food, most people eat worse than they think, many suffer from chronic stress, the strain on the body is often too high in terms of free radicals, toxins, and hormone-disrupting substances, and it’s not uncommon to have a disturbed gut flora. However, it’s better not to take supplements at all than to take poor quality ones, and when I say poor quality, I mean around 95% of all supplements sold on the market today. offers many different and specially designed health protocols that address the lifestyle factors Patrick writes about. Email our customer service at [email protected] and let us know your health concerns, and we’ll help you move forward.
